For humans, BarkBox is a delivery of 4 to 6 natural treats and super fun toys curated around a surprise theme each month. For dogs, BarkBox is like the joy of a million belly scratches.

Project Overview

BarkBox is a monthly subscription of treats, chews and toys for your dog. Started in 2011, BarkBox has continued to surprise and delight more and more dogs each year. is part of the larger Bark organization and is maintained by a mix of cross functional teams including Dev/Engineering, Product, Operations, Merchandising and Marketing.

My Role

As the Lead Product Designer on the Bark Product Design Team, I am responsible for all steps in the creative process. I split my time between the Shop and Box business and focus on projects that have carryover between the two products.

Creating a Reorder Platform

Utilizing the account preferences already in place, the goal of creating a Reorder Platform within BarkBox was to make it as easy as possible for users to reorder their favorite items from past boxes.

Steps Toward Personalization

The Add Item Program was an effort to serve up personalized products to customers on a monthly basis, at no additional shipping cost. Utilizing a 1-click transactional email, customers are able to add multiple items to their next BarkBox.

Shoot me an email to see some case studies, talk about new projects or set up a game of ping pong.
If you’re into the whole resume thing, I got you covered

Adam makes things    © 2023 Be cool to other people. Have a nice day.

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